客戶憑東亞銀行JCB 白金卡可免費使用大阪關西國際機場KIX Airport Lounge服務!
想搶平機票去大阪旅行,好多人都會揀搭凌晨機,去到大阪關西機場都已經係凌晨,又冇車出市區,咁就唯有喺機場等天光搭頭班車啦!關西機場有啲膠囊旅館可以俾大家去租住幾個鐘,但只要你係我哋東亞銀行JCB白金卡嘅持卡者,不論係主卡定附屬卡,你都可以免費去KIX Airport Lounge休息下啦!
KIX Airport Lounge提供免費飲品,而且分為開放座位區、單人間、團體房及兒童遊戲室,大家可以舒舒服服咁休息下,等天光就出發去玩餐飽啦!
優惠受細則及條款約束,按此瀏覽 JCB白金機場貴賓休息室服務詳情
按此KIX Airport Lounge 服務詳情
全新客戶即時申請東亞銀行 JCB 白金卡,仲送你HK$200百佳超級市場禮券或UA院線電影禮券4張!網上成功申請,仲可以額外獲贈UA院線電影禮券2張!按此立即申請。
1. Cardholders/Cardmembers are required to settle payments with Eligible Cards in order to enjoy offers.
2. Cardholders should confirm the offers with merchants before payment.
3. The offers cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotion, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers.
4. All prices stated on this marketing material are for reference only; no notice will be made should there be any changes.
5. Offers are available while stocks last.
6. Offers are provided by respective merchants involved in this promotion. The Bank accepts no liability for the quality of the goods and services provided by the merchants involved in this promotion. Any complaints should be made to the relevant merchant directly.
7. Cardholders must keep all original sales slips in respect of the Eligible Transactions. In case of any dispute, the Bank reserves the right
at any time during or after the promotion to request a Cardholder to submit the relevant original sales slips and/or such further
documents or evidence for inspection. All sales slips submitted to the Bank will not be returned.
8. The Bank will not accept any liability for any loss incurred by the cardholders should the merchants refuse to provide the offers.
9. The Bank and the respective merchants reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions as well as to vary or terminate the Offers without notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Bank and the relevant merchants shall be final and binding.
10. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail.